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Samsung that takes high-res images of the MOON to the Google phone that removes photobombers from your selfies... are these crazy new Android camera features finally worth switching from iPhone?

  • Samsung's S23 takes 100x zoomed moon images - and Elon Musk said, 'Wow'
  • Android phones have been playing catch up with iPhone for years in terms of popularity — but Android's powerful cameras could see iOS users make the switch.
  • Samsung S23 enables users to take high-resolution images of the moon zoomed in a hundred times, while the Google Pixel 7 removes photobombers in selfies.
  • iOS and google-powered devices have the same number of cameras, but Androids were early adopters of high-resolution sensors and lenses that provide zoom than its rival.

Samsung S23: Take a clear photo of the moon and snap another by saying ‘cheese’
Want to take a 100-times zoom picture of the moon? Samsung has your back - with a function that elicited a ‘wow’ from tech entrepreneur Elon Musk.
Highlighted by Twitter user and web producers Marquis Brownlees, the function uses multiple shots to add detail to the image.
Some have claimed that Samsung’s AI adds more detail to the photograph that is not there, but Samsung has in the past explained that the camera system uses several images to create the ‘zoomed in’ effect.
Using Samsung’s Expert RAW application, you can access Astrophotography and Astrohyperlapse for the best night sky photography.
The astrophotography mode uses advanced AI segmentation and multi-frame processing to get the best results out of the night sky.
The mode includes a sky guide that points out constellations and nebulae.
Samsung phones also let you trigger the camera with your voice - which is helpful for capturing group shots.
Open the Camera app, tap 'Settings,' then select 'Shooting Methods.'
This allows you to capture pictures by saying ‘smile,’ ‘cheese,' ‘capture’ or ‘shoot’ and works with either the front or rear camera.

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